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Check out the videos below. 

PROACT Combi™ 'All in One' Laryngoscope Range

PROACT Conventional Laryngoscope Range

PROACT Green System Laryngoscope Range

COMBI™50 Laryngoscopes

PROACT™ MR Conditional Laryngoscopes

PROACT Hydra II™ Green Systems Laryngoscope Handles

ACCU-PRO Neonatal Blood Pressure Cuffs by PROACT Medical

ACCU-PRO Reusable Blood Pressure Cuffs by PROACT Medical

ACCU-PRO Disposable Blood Pressure Cuffs by PROACT Medical

Clever TaiDoc Infrared Thermometer

Jumper Non-Contact Forehead Thermometer Video.

Berrcom Non-Contact Thermometer Video.

PC-3000 Multi-Parameter Monitor

How to use the ToxCO

Detect Carbon Monoxide Poisoning with the ToxCO

TOXCO Carbon Monoxide Analyser

PROACT CPR Pocket Facemask

The PC-900V Veterinary Capnography Device

How to use your PC-900B Capnograph & Pulse Oximeter

How to clean your Nonin Finger Tip Oximeter

Not all Oximeters perform alike!

Nonin WristOx2 3150BLE

Nonin WristOx2

Nonin Connect Elite 3240

Nonin 8500EMS Handheld Pulse Oximeter

Nonin PalmSAT 2500/2500A

Nonin PureLight Sensors

Nonin 7500 / 7500FO (Fibre Optic) Tabletop Pulse Oximeter

The Advantage of Nonin's Onyx Vantage

Nonin Onyx - Water Test

Nonin 8000 Soft Reusable Pulse Ox Sensors

PRONK Technologies Simulation & Test Equipment

EasySim® Educational Patient Simulator

FlowTrax® FT-2 Infusion Pump Analyzer

SimSlim® Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator - PRONK

PC-60B1 Finger Pulse Oximeters

Creative PC-60E Finger Pulse Oximeter

Creative PC-60FW Finger Pulse Oximeter

A&D UA-767S Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor

PROACT 3 Cuff Kit.

PROACT 5 Cuff Kit.

Spirit Sprague Rappaport Sethoscopes

PRO-Breathe Range

Paramedic Backpack PRO - Wipe-Down PVC Fabric

PROFI Paramedic Backpack

As an anaesthetist giving sedation in Dental practices, I wanted to upgrade my monitoring to include capnography. I received excellent advice from PROACT Medical and purchased a Creative PC-900B. I am so pleased with it. It’s small and compact to carry around and so easy to use. Thank you, PROACT.

Dr Rex Yetton

Our PROACT Rep is always responsive and flexible with our training requests meets our Trust requirements for training and new device implementations also friendly, and effective.

J.B -  Medical Training.